Wednesday 4 February 2009

Xmas eve

woke up quite early in the morning n getting ready for more shopping. having hard time waking up ma sis from sleep as she likes to sleep a lot..... i mean A LOT.... hahahaa..... as usual shopping shopping walking around the street looking a perfect gift for a fren. then had lunch with ma sis's frens debbie, ivy, liven n her bf thomas in counting house near George's square. after a very filling lunch headed straight to Gala Casino again.... this time we lose again..... hahaha.... so sad.... nvm my time will come soon.... back home to ma sis's room wrapping all the gifts..... xmas eve dinner with ma sis's frens..... took pic together, listening xmas songs, chit chatting, exchanging n opening xmas gifts, playing games and not to forget the chocolate fountain gift from ma sis's house to jac's house where we had our xmas eve dinner. took em quite some time to operate the choco fountain. hahahaha so funny...... first try of tat the whole melted choco flying around the dinning table..... everyone shouted n laugh..... goshhh....... after some time they succeeded in operating it. the dinner was superb n everyone was happy n joyful.....

this is my first xmas dinner with such joyful n happy environment in my life..... will cherish it forever n ever...... thanks to ik shyan, hong ning, su vyen, jac lee, voon jia n her bf foo keong who flew all the way from msia to celebrate xmas n new year with her dam it.... hahahaa..... shaw pei from MU i guess, huey yi, yen li n her bf chia hong......

beautiful xmas dinner with ya all.... muakzzzzzzzz..... merry xmas to u all........

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